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We've gathered some frequently asked questions to assist you in using and navigating throughout WinPredict.

But please don't hesitate to contact us should you have any question that's not covered here.

We're always available at [email protected]


WinPredict Supports Direct Betting!

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WinPredict now support direct betting with: Pinnacle Sports!

Soon to come are Ladbrokes, Betsafe, WilliamHill, Betsafe and more

You can place bet directly to your Bookmaker’s accounts from the WinPredict Betslip. We’ll guide you as to how to connect your Bookmaker’s accounts to WinPredict, throughout the betting process.

You can also connect your Bookmaker’s accounts at our Partners page or at the Bookmakers section in your Account.


What are Demo Bets and Real Bets?

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WinPredict allows you to place REAL or Demo Bets.

Real bets are placed directly with your Bookmaker of choice, via your account with that Bookmakers, through the WinPredict Betslip. For that you’ll have to connect your Bookmaker’s betting account with your WinPredict Account.

Demo bets are virtual bets, placed on real events and matches, in any of our supported sports. It allows you to place risk-free bets and text your skills and courage!


What are WinPredict Demo Bets?

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WinPredict allows you to place virtual – Demo – bets on real events and matches, using the WinPredict virtual Demo account and money. You can place Demo bets with any of the Bookmakers, just if they were real bets!

Your bets will be placed in the WinPredict Betslip and will be executed by the WinPredict system (bets will not be sent to bookmakers).

You’ll be able to follow your bets status and check if you won in your My Bets tab of your Account.


What’s my Demo Account balance?

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Your Demo Account balance is the amount of virtual funds that you currently have for placing Demo bets on WinPredict. This balance always starts with the virtual £5,000 provided to you when you registered, and add or deducts your Demo bets wins and losses.


Who is a Predictor on WinPredict?

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Anyone can become a Predictor!

All you need to do is to place your bets – Real or Demo, and hope to be winner J

The better your performance, the better Predictor you’ll become.

Our top performing Predictors are proudly presented at the top of our Top predictors list

Once you become a Predictor, anyone can follow & copy your bets, which will eventually place you in a higher spot in our Predictors list.

Check out our Top Predictors list and start following the best!


What is "Follow & Copy other’s bets"?

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The unique WinPredict “Follow” feature allows anyone to follow & copy anyone else’s bets!

So that when you follow a Predictor or Predictors, every time they place their bets, the WinPredict system will place the same bets for you as well.

You’ll be able to define your follow rules and limit your investment exposure when you set your follow settings (when you click the “Follow” button near Predictor name) and to modify it in the Following section of your Account.


How do I Follow Predictors?

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It’s pretty straight forward.

Just click the “Follow” button near the Predictor name (at the Predictor page, or anywhere else in the site). A ‘Follow pop-up’ guide will open. Set the Follow Terms you desire, and click “Follow”. You’re done!


How do I change my Follow settings?

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To modify your Follow settings, go to the Following section of your Account and click on the “Modify” button in the ‘Follow Settings’ in the relevant column.


What are ‘Follow-bets’?

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Follow-bets are bets executed by the WinPredict system on your behalf, following bets that Predictors you follow has placed. You can view your follow-bets in the My Bets section of your Account.

Follow-bets are the same bets as your Predictors have placed.

Note that in some situations we may not be able to execute follow-bets if your follow-settings do not allow the follow-bet to go through due to your settings limits (such as minimum odds, investment size, number of bets per day/week/month, etc.)


How do I join into WinPredict Competitions?

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You’ll instantly participate in any of our competitions, once you comply with their basic rules!

Check out our CompetitionRules page and join our competitions today.


Is WinPredict Free?

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WinPredict is absolutely free!

We don’t charge any commission or subscription fees for the use of our services. Our aim is to provide seamless access to the best prices and odds, simply guiding you towards taking the best bets.


How does the WinPredict Betslip work?

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Our Betslip has two areas: for Real bets and for Demo bets. You can switch between them by clicking on the relevant tabs, located at the top of the Betslip.

Your bets will be added to the active tab. So if you wish for example, to place a Real bet, you should ensure that your Real bets Tab is selected.

You can also copy Real bets into your Demo Bets tab, by licking the ‘arrows’ icon situated at the left side of the Real Tab.

Below the Real & Demo Tabs, you’ll find a section containing the Bookmakers logos. An indicator of the number of bets in this betslip related to each per-bookmaker, is attached to the top of each Bookmaker logo. This section is scrollable so you can browse through multiple Bookmaker logos.

Your bets will appear in the center of the Betslip. You can of course delete any bet from the betslip.

Below the bets section, you’ll find Accumulators and Systems relevant to your bets selection.

Executing on your bets: once you have clicked “Continue” you’ll be asked to confirm your bets and you’re done!


How to monitor your bets status and outcome

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To view and monitor your current bets and to review history go to your My Bets section in your Account.


How can I change my profile setting?

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You can do that by going to your My Account page (but first please log-in). You’ll be able to manage all your personal detail and related performance through this website section.


How can I delete my profile?

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In order to delete your profile, please send us a request via our Contact Form. We’ll execute you’re request once we identify you as the owner of the respective account.


In Betslip, can I move items from Real Bets tab to Demo Bets tab?

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Yes you can. Just click on the 'arrows' like icon on the REAL tab and follow instructions.

Your Real bets will be copied to your Demo tab.


How does WinPredict Work?

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We have created a set of tutorials for you!

Check it out at WinPredictAcademy and at the "Take a tour of WinPredict" link in the main menu.


Can I un-subsribe from receiving system email notifications?

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We strongly recommend that you leave this option on.

WinPredict sends you notifications on important events that may require your attention. Such as: follow-bet confirmations; updates on users who has followed you; bets status; and more

Should you decide to stop such email notifications, you can do that by un-checking the "Receive email notifications on your bets and activities" check-box in 'My Account'


Can I unsubscribe from promotional emails?

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You can unsubscribe from our news and new features email updates by un-checking the "Receive news, updates and offer from WinPredict" checkbox in your 'My Account'